Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mall Cop

Dear Rebekah,
Right now I am watching Paul Blart: Mall Cop. I can't decide if I like this movie or not... its so stupid but so hilarious.
It was wonderful sitting in Panera just talking to you. You bring so much happiness to my life! It made my week hanging out with you and hearing about your trip. I can tell God was working in the team and in you and that you truly do have a heart for Toronto. That's so cool! And yeah... I am super proud. Everyone should wake up singing Tangled songs.
The other day I bought The Brothers Grim's fairy tales, and was reading through a few when I stumbled across Repunzel. I was so excited! The stories are quite similar; however I like Tangled more. I will have to read it to you sometime, along with others.
I like those verses!!! Thanks, I think I will go read the whole chapter now, it was encouraging.
Its funny that you put the title as, "Oh, Canada. Eh?" Because at camp we would say "AYYYYYYY" when we all agreed on something. I don't know why/how it started but I think Jack had something to do with it. I'm sure he told the story a few times.
Well... I go home in a week and a few days and I'm NOT excited about it, although I am so ready for school to start. I've been enjoying summer but I don't know... school sounds nice right how. haha! I probably won't say that 3 weeks from now. We need to have crocheting and movie parties via skype, more then last year.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oh, Canada. Eh?

Toronto. Thanks my dear friend for praying for me while I was gone on my trip. You are so amazing! It was amazing to see how God worked through me and my other team members. I wish you could have been there, but at least I got to share everything with you when I saw you the other day. It was so good to sit  down with you and just talk. We don't do it enough. That is coming from a girl that can spend hours and days with you.
A friend and I woke up two days in a row and sang "When will my life begin" from Tangled as we got ready. Proud of me?!
I know that you are missing camp a lot right now. I am currently missing Toronto, Canada more than I can even put into words. I don't know what it is. I had just became so comfortable with my work there. God has definitely given me a heart for those people. I hope you have a great day today.
Grab another sno cone or two from the Shack today. Keep stocking up. Stay cool in this ridiculously insane heat.

These verses became my theme/encouragement during the time I was on my trip:

Then the Word of the Lord came to me, saying:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the  nations."
Then said  I: "Ah, Lord God! Truely I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy."
But the Lord said to me:
"Do not say, 'I am only a boy'; for you shall go to all whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you," says the Lord.
Then the Lord put out His hand and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me:
"Now I have put My words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant."

Jeremiah 1:4-10 

Great verse, eh?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today I've been tired, run down, not feeling so great and lonely. Its just been one of those days. I got to telling Kara about Nate and I kind of couldn't stop thinking about him... That's never a good thing. I surrounded myself with books and that helped some, but I wish you were here to keep me company. Tomorrow is a new day with new feelings and thoughts, it will be better.

love love love you most, sis.

P.S. Praying for your trip, that God would give you peace and patience.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Flynn Ryder

Dear Rebekah,
Tomorrow I am going home to the RANCH!!! I cannot wait, I am so excited... Grayson is coming from home and Hannah is here so we are just going to party! Its going to be awesome! Can you tell I'm excited?
That sounds wonderful. I love Tangled.  I showed dad and Johnna that movie the other night and they both really enjoyed it. Its the sweetest most adorable movie and it made my LIFE when Joey told me he was reminded of me when he watched that movie. I will never forget that. Haha I think I would have done the same thing and hidden it... and I will go get a lunch box!!! That's so great, people at school will judge me the whole year but I'm kinda to the point where I don't care what anyone in the world thinks. Because the people who mean the world to me just don't care about stuff like that.
That reminds me of the Dr. Susse quote, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. Thanks for being one of those who doesn't mind.
Today I went shopping with Hannah. I got purfume from Victorias Secret and a two dollar sweater from Old Navy. It basically made my life, I love how cheap stuff can be sometimes! Its super comfortable and bright yellow. After that we got home and skyped with Grayson and then went and ate at Buffalo Wild Wings. I'd call it a productive, happy day.
I'll be praying lots.

love love love you most.



Dear Rachel,

Earlier today, I went with my mom to the store. We were just going to pick up a few things that we needed. Little did we know what adventure lay ahead. Just after putting the sour cream into our buggie (that is what they called it where I grew up), it attacked my mom. It 'flew' out and attacked my mother's leg. The sad part about the whole thing was that her leg actually looked like it was bleading slightly. I told her that she was going to need a band-aid for that. Other than that, we made it out of the store safetly.

Do you want to know what they are selling at Walmart right now?? Tangled school gear! Yes! Right along with the other princesses, Rapunzel is on lunch boxes and pencil holders. Despite my dying urge to purchase a lunch box, I left without one. I am sure that I will forever regret it, but there is still time. I hid a pencil holder with Rapunzel and other princesses faces on it behind the row of pencil bags for boys. When you were little did you ever hid something at the store  that you really wanted at the bottom of everything else with the hope that nobody would buy it before you returned? Maybe it is just me. I figured that no girl looking for something Tangled would look behind a row full of boy pencil bags. It is sitting there as I type this just waiting for me to come back and buy it. If I end up returning to buy it, I think you should go buy one too. "The pencil bag or the lunch box?" you ask. "Both," I say.

College. Yes, I can't wait. There is so much I look forward to learning and doing. I can't wait to be roommates (hopefully that is the way God is leading us). We will have to cutest room on our floor.

I am so glad that you mentioned Narnia because I have a lot I could say on that subject. I would talk about it know, but I must finish packing for Canada. Have a great day!

Love you!

Pathetic?? Yes!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dr. Pepper

Dear Rebekah,
It was good to hear from you last night, thanks for calling. I agree, texting is so stupid and I wish I could see or even talk to you everyday. However; AT&T doesn't allow that without charging you a million $$$. Oh well. In college we'll be able to talk everyday, I can't wait. Do you think about college much? I can't STOP thinking about it... I can't wait to be your room mate, to design our room and make it our cool space. I can imagine it with really fun with your bright colors, and with my vintage twist. Its going to be adorable! We can share meals, secrets and frustrations with one another, along with deodorant, shampoo and Sour Patch Kids. That's truly going to be life at its best. 
That book sounds awesome! I am going to have to read it, who's it by? Those quotes were amazing, especially this one, "You have to say yes to the words of Jesus before you even hear them." wow did I love that! So many times in my life I second guess God's plan and His will for my life, but I am learning that all I have to do is surrender and He will take care of the rest. What a comfort. He has been showing my that my identity and confidence is found in Him alone, and that He is MORE then enough to sustain me. 
Lately, I've had this insane Dr. Pepper addiction. I seriously can't get enough! I don't know why, its not like there is anything special about DP but man do I love it! Oh me and my weirdness. 
Well this week I will be... Working on Calculus (yes by choice, but I am also practicing for the ACT), reading Crime and Punishment and Mark, rocking out to Maroon 5's new CD, spending lots and lots of time with my dear friend Hannah from camp, shopping, and going home to the Ranch. Its going to be a great week! What are you seeing and visiting this week? 
Last night I prayed the Lord would give you peace about Canada, that He would wash over you with His Grace and give you patience. I pray He will watch over you but more importantly that He would use you in big ways to minister to the people of Toronto. 

Love love love you most. 

P.S. This picture reminded me of you, because after Lauren took it she said, "It looks like you're saying GUYS LETS TO GO NARNIA." When really, that smile was a result of her saying, "think of Nate." When she said that I would melt and that's how we got cute pictures or yours truly. Pathetic right?

Monday, July 4, 2011


Dear Rachel, I have been away at camp for the last week and missed you the whole time. The best part of the whole camp was the new friends I met. I met two others girls who were on fire for Jesus. It makes my heart glad to see others so in love with Jesus. I have not seen you in a while. Though it might not seem like a long time to some people, it is something only BEST FRIENDS can relate to. Texting is so lame. Every time I send you a text, I wish I could see you in person. Even talking on the phone is better. At least I can hear your voice that way.
I have been reading the book, Radical. God continues to reveal himself to me in each chapter in a new way. I can't tell you how much I am learning about my relationship with Christ. You should really read it for yourself. Just to get you excited about reading it, I am going to put a few quotes below...

"Everything in all creation responds in obedience to the Creator...until you get to you and me. We have the audacity to look God in the face and say, 'No'."
"You have to say yes to the words of Jesus before you even hear them."
"determine not to waste our lives on anything but uncompromising, unconditional abandonment to a gracious, loving Savior who invites us to take radical risk and promises us radical reward."

Love you!

p.s. Happy 4th of July! You told me this was your favorite holiday! Hope it is amazing!