Friday, December 23, 2011

It Is Well

Dear Rebekah,

I've been home for five days and already I feel normal, again.
Everything is back to the way it was. I've slept comfortably, eaten well, and feel restfully at peace. This is truly the greatest Christmas present. I am just so happy.
Since I've been home I have; spent time with my dad and Johnna, made new friends :), slept a lot, and eaten so really great food! It has been so very enjoyable. I think I might just stay here?
So how was your Christmas with your family? What did you get? I cannot wait for our Christmas, we're opening presents on Christmas eve, it will be awesome!
I can't wait to come stay with you, we're going to have a blast! Just to hug you and see your face in the flesh will be a blessing! YOU are a blessing, my dear best friend. I thank the Lord for you!

Lovelovelove you,


Make You Feel My Love. OBSESSED with this song, and CD.

This one too. This is the prettiest song.

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