Thursday, December 29, 2011

Eating & Working Out.

Dear Rachel,

Christmas has come and gone again.  I can't believe it.  I had a great time with my family.  The hustle and bustle of getting everything packed and trying to wrap presents was a little overwhelming.  I enjoy traveling to see family, but I wish I had more time to relax on break.  We spent a lot of time driving this year.  I survived it all and now I am back home.  I got money and clothes mostly this Christmas.  I was glad I didn't get much because my room is already full of stuff. 
I am glad you are feeling better now that you are at home.  Hopefully you won't have any more allergic reactions.  :)
One of my favorite presents was this book:

I would love to make a cake with you sometime out of this book.  It is an amazing book for explaining techniques in baking. 
I have been cleaning my room almost all day.  Pretty much ever since I got home from the gym!  I felt so accomplished on my drive home from working out.  I am so motivated that I am going back tomorrow.  I wish we could work out together to motivate each other.  Anyways, my room is clean and ready for you.  The only thing missing is YOU!  I have your Christmas present and belated birthday present sitting on my dresser waiting to be delivered.  I can't wait to see you and give you a great big hug!



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