Thursday, December 29, 2011

Eating & Working Out.

Dear Rachel,

Christmas has come and gone again.  I can't believe it.  I had a great time with my family.  The hustle and bustle of getting everything packed and trying to wrap presents was a little overwhelming.  I enjoy traveling to see family, but I wish I had more time to relax on break.  We spent a lot of time driving this year.  I survived it all and now I am back home.  I got money and clothes mostly this Christmas.  I was glad I didn't get much because my room is already full of stuff. 
I am glad you are feeling better now that you are at home.  Hopefully you won't have any more allergic reactions.  :)
One of my favorite presents was this book:

I would love to make a cake with you sometime out of this book.  It is an amazing book for explaining techniques in baking. 
I have been cleaning my room almost all day.  Pretty much ever since I got home from the gym!  I felt so accomplished on my drive home from working out.  I am so motivated that I am going back tomorrow.  I wish we could work out together to motivate each other.  Anyways, my room is clean and ready for you.  The only thing missing is YOU!  I have your Christmas present and belated birthday present sitting on my dresser waiting to be delivered.  I can't wait to see you and give you a great big hug!



Friday, December 23, 2011

It Is Well

Dear Rebekah,

I've been home for five days and already I feel normal, again.
Everything is back to the way it was. I've slept comfortably, eaten well, and feel restfully at peace. This is truly the greatest Christmas present. I am just so happy.
Since I've been home I have; spent time with my dad and Johnna, made new friends :), slept a lot, and eaten so really great food! It has been so very enjoyable. I think I might just stay here?
So how was your Christmas with your family? What did you get? I cannot wait for our Christmas, we're opening presents on Christmas eve, it will be awesome!
I can't wait to come stay with you, we're going to have a blast! Just to hug you and see your face in the flesh will be a blessing! YOU are a blessing, my dear best friend. I thank the Lord for you!

Lovelovelove you,


Make You Feel My Love. OBSESSED with this song, and CD.

This one too. This is the prettiest song.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Long time due.


I have meant to write back to you since Thanksgiving, but school has taken all my time recently.  I know you had a great Thanksgiving with your cousins.  I had a great time with my family too.  It will only be a few weeks more and we will get to see each other!  I am more than excited to see you!
I am so glad you got me hooked on Pinterest!!  There are so many great things one that cite.  Even if I don't do all the things I want to do, I still feel creative just looking at all the crafts other people do. 
I have been taking tea in the mornings to school.  It makes my morning so much better.  Once that mug is in my hand, it does not leave until it is drained empty.  I wish we could sit and drink tea together more often. 
Finals are coming up soon.  I can't truthfully say that I am ready.  In fact, I am pretty nervous.  I guess you know what I will be doing until break--hardcore studying!
I love that we text each other a prayer for the day in the morning and a blessing at night.  I can't tell you how much more aware I have become of the ways God blesses me during each day.
I can't wait to make more plans for when you come to see me!

Extremely stressed but even more bless,

(This is one of my new favorite Christmas songs.)