Saturday, October 29, 2011


Dear Rebekah,
Its a sunny/ chilly day here in Tennessee and the trees are really starting to show their true colors. Its just beautiful. I'm sure its the same way at the Ranch, wish I could be there with you.
This morning I woke up at 9, and freezing my butt off I got out of bed and went to the gym, ran a mile (without stopping) and am now watching the Vandy/ Arkansas game. Guess who's not winning? Us. The better team. WHAT THE HECK?! Sorry... I get angry, easily.
ANYWAYS. I've kind of started to enjoy running, recently. I don't know what is going on, because I've NEVER enjoyed or even liked running, but it has become a good release. When I run all I concentrate on is the beat of my music. Running helps me forget my worries, problems, and pains and puts me in great shape. I want to get better and faster, so that IF I end up in the CIA, I will be in prime physical shape... now I just need to practice running in heels. Wish me luck.
Last night I went and saw this movie with Ashton and Andrea. We ate at Qudoba (WOO-WHO!), got some Starbucks, and then went to the movie theater. The movie was so so so good! We all enjoyed it, the beginning moved kind of slow; however the story was great all around. Amanda Seyfried was the leading girl and I must say I really enjoyed her character. The was simple, sweet, cool, and really instyle with a gun in her hand... Everything I want to be!
I can't wait to hear about your time at NLR, I am sure both weekends have been/ will be great. I am super jealous that you AND Caleb are there, at the same time, without me. But. I'll deal. Next year, right?
This week Rachel came over and we made Spiced Apple Coffee Cake, let me just say. It was heaven in the mouth. Simply delightful. And of course, it was perfect with a cup of tea. Can't wait to make it with you!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, let's try to skype soon!

Lovelovelove you most,


P.S. I found these on Anthropologie and I NEED them. How cute are they!?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tea and Teachings.

I am loving the colder weather.  It is almost the time when I can take my mug of hot tea to school ever morning.  I love a good chilly morning with my hoodie and a cup of hot tea. 
School is challenging.  I just got back from the ranch yesterday afternoon.  It was an amazing retreat with school.  After our speacker would talk to us, we would get into groups and talk about what we had just heard.  God was working in amazing ways in the lives of our high school.  So many girls really opened up to each other in our class.  God worked in my life and it made me so humble.  We talked about being both humble and confident in our relationship with Christ.  I can't wait to tell you more specifically how God has moved in my life.  I want to share my notes with you.
I hope you are feeling better and not so sick.  I am praying for you always. 
I remember when I went to Dollywood when I was little.  It was fun.  I have to say that Six Flags is probably the best amusement park I have ever been to.  We should go there together some time.  Maybe when we are in college for spring break or something. :)
I hope you are having a good weekend!  My brothers and I are watching Thor this morning.  I really want to see Captain America, but some of the girls are out of town this weekend so I will have to wait longer. 
I have not skyped you in a long time.  We will have to do that soon.

Love you,

p.s.  Did you notice that my team is in the World Series.  I don't know how likely it is that we will win, but I will not give up.  They are in enemy territory now.  They play tonight.  I think my night has already been planned.  Maybe I will make some good food for the family to eat while we watch the game and cheer for the best.  We will see how this series plays out...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Hate Birthdays

Dear Rebekah,
Life has been so crazy lately, I feel like I lack the time to breath. However; business makes for a happier me because it takes away from my time to think. Thinking equals bad. How have you been lately? I miss talking to you so much, during the summer we never stopped! And I miss it deeply.
Its really starting to get chilly here and I'm totally in love with it! Tonight I went to Kyle's for his birthday party and it was nice and cold... So was I, but I'll endure the cold for the sake of fall. Fall is by far my most favorite season. It reminds me of happy things, good music, warm sweaters, lots and lots of baked goods, and many more wonderful things.
How is school going for you? Its going well for me, though it has proved challenging. I have to put forth much effort to do well, and to be honest that is something I am not used to. But I explained this to my sister and she said that its okay because I will have to do that in college anyway. Sometimes college can't come fast enough... especially weekends like this. Its Nate's birthday tomorrow. I want to go to his house, give him a gift, tell him I love him and that I don't want to be without him, but I can't. Sometimes I think the reality of the fact that I just "can't" do that is what will kill me. I guess that's why they call it reality. Despite all of that, I still am happy to say I feel the exact same way about him the day I started talking to him and I'm still convinced something good can happen. But if it doesn't, that was the Lords plan and I'm good with that, also. Okay enough of that.
So I went to Dollywood with my friend Hannah the other day, and it was a blast! Total, we rode the 3 roller coasters they have, probably 6 to 7 times. As a result, my back and neck are on fire but it was too much fun! Sometime we need to go to an amuesement park, just for kicks.
Thanks for the video clip, I LOVE that movie. There is a new movie coming out called "Like Crazy" its about a couple who can't be together, but I think they end up together. I probably just want to see it because he looks strangely like Nate and I look strangely like her... Maybe I shouldn't go see it... Nah.
What's on the agenda for this week? I don't think I am doing anything in particular this week, not that I know of but I am sure something will happen! This week I want to concentrate on doing better in school, pushing myself to work harder and be more dilligent. We'll see how this goes! Let's skype soon, I still need to show you those good will finds!

Love love love you.


This is my favorite saying, it means "Seize the Day"