Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Masquerade.

"I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone... Then I think of you.
-Austin (Nomad)"

Dear Rachel,
I thought you would enjoy these little clips from that movie that you and I both love- A Cinderella Story. 
You never showed me your Goodwill finds during our last skype date.  I guess we will just have to do another one soon to make up for that.
I am so happy that Ben Rector has a new CD out!  All I have heard of it is a few clips from iTunes.  Totally in love with what I heard, I can't wait to buy the CD for myself.  I have been listening his other CDs to gear up for when I buy the new one. 
I went to see Lion King in theatres last night with friends.  I have not seen it in a long time, so it was great to see it.  Thinking that not many people would want to see it (because it has been out for a while), I was very surprised to see that it would sell out just minutes after we purchased our tickets.  Disney lovers gathered in the movie theatre with 3D glasses on a Friday night to relive a movie that people of all ages adore.  It was great.  I wish you could have been there with me. 
I have been looking at themes for our banquet at the end of the year.  We are heavily considering the theme of a masquerade.  I think that would be really fun.
I am head of publicity for my class this year.  I figured that since I want to do something in college related to communications, this would be a great experience.  I have not done much yet, but just wait until you see what I am going to do!  I am excited!
I already text you and said my mom is making taco soup for dinner.  The smell is hanging about the air in my house.  It smells so amazingly good!  I wish you could pull up a chair at my kitchen table and enjoy a bowl with me.  
Tonight I am going to be watching an episode or two of The Cosby Show.  Bill Cosby is so great.    
Have fun at your friend's birthday party tonight.  I can't wait until I finally meet your friends there!
Love you so much!

Love, Rebekah
p.s. Put your hair in a pony tail and wear your baseball hats proud.  
Praying for you!  Hope you have a great weekend! 

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