Sunday, November 20, 2011

Turkey Day

Dear Rebekah,

This week marks my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. I don't know why I love Thanksgiving so much, I think its because of the great family time and FOOD. Its like Christmas without the hustle and bustle of presents. I think my cousins from New Jersey are coming in, at least two of them, I am super stoked! I don't see them very often and its always so great when I do! You're going to STL, right? That should be really fun!
This next week my mom and I are going to make these! So so cool! If you have some extra time, stay on that blog and check out her craft ideas! Super creative! I really enjoy it, it gives me inspiration to do more crafting myself!
Right now I am watching Toy Story 3, such a cute movie but probably my least favorite of the three. Last night I watched Morning Glory and Jane Eyre, both really great! Jane Eyre was kind of on the depressing side, but it followed the book fairly well. Morning Glory was SUPER adorable, Rachel McAdams is a great actress! I would highly recommend it. What good movies have you seen recently?
I wish I had more to say, but I haven't been doing much lately because of this crazy sickness. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your concern and desire to help me out. I wish I could have a nice cup of tea with you this weekend!

lovelovelove you most!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Duck tape

Dear Rachel,

The trees here have been changing colors.  I love driving to school in my little red truck under the canopy of yellow, orange, and red trees in my neighborhood.
I wish I could enjoy running as much as you do.  I just don't have a lot of time to do anything besides school work.  I need to use my YMCA membership more.
The Ranch  was a lot of fun.  The speaker really spoke about what I needed to hear.  I love it how God has such perfect timing.
That cake sounds really delicious.  I love holiday baking and can't wait to get in full swing.  The smell of my house around Thanksgiving and Christmas is splendid.  I just love food. 
I told you I got all those cookbooks at the garage sale this past Saturday.  They are from all around the world which is pretty cool.  Want to know a recipe from Germany, Japan, or the British Isles?  Ask me because I have a cookbook for that.
Really funny story.  I was going home from church yesterday and we passed this pickup truck.  In the bed of the truck was all kinds of stuff that might have fallen out.  To keep it all contained, duck tape had been wrapped around it!  Instantly I thought of you and had to laugh.  It made m day.  I would have never thought of that, but some day when I have a lot of stuff in my truck I will try duck tape.  You know it has to work.  I will let you know how it goes.
Selling concessions yesterday was crazy.  I was running around getting popcorn and nachos.  One of the adults (who I had not met until just hours before) stopped me and said: "You are going to be a great wife for someone some day."  I can't even tell you how happy that made me.  The little compliments in life are the ones that mean the most to me.

I love you.
