Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Masquerade.

"I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone... Then I think of you.
-Austin (Nomad)"

Dear Rachel,
I thought you would enjoy these little clips from that movie that you and I both love- A Cinderella Story. 
You never showed me your Goodwill finds during our last skype date.  I guess we will just have to do another one soon to make up for that.
I am so happy that Ben Rector has a new CD out!  All I have heard of it is a few clips from iTunes.  Totally in love with what I heard, I can't wait to buy the CD for myself.  I have been listening his other CDs to gear up for when I buy the new one. 
I went to see Lion King in theatres last night with friends.  I have not seen it in a long time, so it was great to see it.  Thinking that not many people would want to see it (because it has been out for a while), I was very surprised to see that it would sell out just minutes after we purchased our tickets.  Disney lovers gathered in the movie theatre with 3D glasses on a Friday night to relive a movie that people of all ages adore.  It was great.  I wish you could have been there with me. 
I have been looking at themes for our banquet at the end of the year.  We are heavily considering the theme of a masquerade.  I think that would be really fun.
I am head of publicity for my class this year.  I figured that since I want to do something in college related to communications, this would be a great experience.  I have not done much yet, but just wait until you see what I am going to do!  I am excited!
I already text you and said my mom is making taco soup for dinner.  The smell is hanging about the air in my house.  It smells so amazingly good!  I wish you could pull up a chair at my kitchen table and enjoy a bowl with me.  
Tonight I am going to be watching an episode or two of The Cosby Show.  Bill Cosby is so great.    
Have fun at your friend's birthday party tonight.  I can't wait until I finally meet your friends there!
Love you so much!

Love, Rebekah
p.s. Put your hair in a pony tail and wear your baseball hats proud.  
Praying for you!  Hope you have a great weekend! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Dearest Rebekah,
Today I am going Goodwill shopping. Do you know how excited I am for this?! I don't go shopping nearly enough, not to mention at my favoritest store, EVER. I will be searching for granny (or grandpa) sweaters and button up shirts. Oh! And cardigans. I decided I need every color of cardigan.
These are the things I think about...
Speaking of the things that I think about, I have a funny story that you would deeply appreciate.
Once upon a time (last week) I was driving home from school. A large portion of the time I think about things of consequence; however that particular day I was not... and I drove past the cows. Because my mind was not occupied by anything else, I thought to myself, "hum. I wonder what it would be like to be a cow?" And then I thought. And then I laughed. Because I realized how ridiculous it was for me to be thinking what it would be like to be a large bovine. Oh the things that run through my head...
That record store sounds neat! I can't wait to try it out. I don't know if I told you (I hope I did) that I will be home at the end of this month, let's go then. I am glad you're enjoying the Cosby record. I grew up with that and its fun to share it with you. I know it by heart, but die laughing every time I listen.
I understand what you mean about no one caring. I've really been feeling like that a lot, lately. I am probably the only one in my class who wants to be there. It makes me sad that kids our age don't realize or appreciate the wonderful gift of education that they have been so openly blessed with. I can't say I am the biggest fan of chemistry but I want to do well in the class none the less, besides that all my other classes are great. How are your classes going? Did you do well on your Relationship paper? How are your grades looking?
I think about you and pray for you daily (try to, because you know how good I am at that) and I know that God will use you in HUGE ways. He already is. Be bold and continue to make a stand on your vollyball team, you have something important to say and those girls need to hear it. They can experience God's love and leading, through your life and He will sustain your efforts. You are amazing, I wonder how I've been so blessed to call you friend.

Love love love you most.

P.S. When we skype, remind me to show you my new clothes!