Friday, February 3, 2012


Dearest best friend Rachel,

Thanks for the happy birthday!  I wish you could have been here, but now you are!  I am so happy that you moved back! God's timing really is amazing.
It seems weird that even though we live so close, we have seen each other only once since you have been back.
School has been overwhelming and stressful to say the least.  Hopefully things can settle down a little bit soon. 
We sang this song at church last Sunday.  I have listened to it almost every day.  It is truly the cry of my heart. 

I am sorry I don't have much to say.  I haven't had such a good week.  I hope I get to see you soon!  I need to get a big long hug from you.  Hope you have a great weekend!

Enjoy the Superbowl on Sunday!


p.s. I love the pictures you posted!