Monday, January 16, 2012

Thunder Up!

Dear Rebekah,

Whew! Has it been a crazy past few weeks or what?! I'm still not sure what to think about everything, but then again, I'm trying not to think about it much. The Lord is gracious. He is caring. He is kind. Man, have I learned that, recently. I can't believe I am moving back home in TWO WEEKS! TULSA! TWO WEEKS! I feel so taken care of and blessed. The crazy thing about my grandpa passing away and me moving back so soon, is that the Lord knew what was going to happen the ENTIRE TIME! How mind blowing is that!? We were planning to move back in six months, but He knew it would be different. His sovereignty is so great, too great for me to fully understand! We serve such a big God.
I can't wait to be back home for a million reasons, not just hanging out with friends but just the small things. Taking care of you when you're sick, playing ultimate, going to Jenks games (IN PANTS!), shopping, seeing my sister whenever I want to, trips to Fayetteville over the weekends, concerts, church, and pretty much everything else great you can think of! Small things like going to Josh's on opening day! I am just so thankful to be coming back.

Well, tonight my Thunder won! The game was intense and the score was too close the entire time, but now we're 12-2 and on a 5- win streak! THAT'S MY TEAM! I am going to go to a few games when I get home, and I am oh so stoked! I love Durant, Patrick, Collinson, Sefolosha, Westbrook, and HARDEN. Fear the beard. But really. They're a great team, and I so enjoy watching them play. Probably as much as you enjoy Tebow playing. Its awesome to have guys like them to look up to, they are all truly inspirational!

I hope you had a very happy birthday, I am sorry I was not able to come and join you! But I will hand deliver your present soon. Happy 17th to the greatest best friend EVER.



                                    ^ HOT

Lovelovelove you most.

Happy Birthday!
